Rev. Richards Weekly Devotions
My Brothers and Sisters,
For the past few months God has placed it on my heart to go through a season of prayer, reading and reflection! This season of transition is new for me. During this time instead of speaking I will spend time listening for the voice of God.
So often when life changes on us, the first thing we do is run inside and close the door. We build walls around our heart. However the problem with walls is that while they prevent things from coming in, they also keep things from exiting out. And God has said “This is no time for walls”. I want you to sign up to receive my weekly devotionals.
You are also in your own season of destiny and its time for us to walk into the promised land of God—Together.
Each week I will send you books and songs that are blessing me; as well as some of my own private devotionals based on what i’m learning and what God is doing with me in this season. And yes, I’ll share some sermons too. And I pray these tools will encourage and bless you.
Here is where I will be starting, a mixture of books, songs and sermons:
Barbara Brown Taylor’s When God is Silent
Sean McMillian’s Bring Back the Wine
Bishop G.E Patterson’s Help is on the way
Donald Lawrence’s Seasons